Delo Warranty Plus Europe
CHEVRON (as defined below) WARRANTS THAT:
Our Texaco® and Delo branded products (‘the product(s)’) specifically listed below conform to Chevron’s specifications and written performance claims for those products and meet the product performance requirements of European and non-European manufactured equipment applicable to each such product expressed in writing on the Chevron authorised product label and in Chevron’s prepared brochures, Product Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet existing at the time the product was sold.
The warranty applies to the products identified below when used in the following described equipment:

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils – Warranty includes all on and off-road automotive diesel engines (European and non-European manufactured) that recommend the specific ACEA classification or original equipment manufacturer specification and SAE viscosity grade that the product meets. As a plus, this warranty will remain in effect for Delo Heavy Duty Motor Oils used in extended drain maintenance programmes endorsed by engine manufacturers. You must perform regular oil analyses to forecast optimum oil drain intervals and to monitor equipment operations.
Products include: Delo 400 XSP-FA, Delo 400 XSP-SD, Delo 400 LE Synthetic, Delo 400 MGX, Delo 400 RDE, Delo 400 RDS, Delo 400 SP, Delo 400 XLE HD, Delo 400 XLE, Delo Gold Ultra E, Delo Gold Ultra S and Delo Gold Ultra T.
Gear Oils, Axle Oils and Transmission Fluids – Warranty includes all European and non-European manufactured manual transmissions, axles and wheel hubs when installed in heavy duty (3.5MT and over) trucks or other vehicle class applications where use of the product is in line with the relevant Chevron Product Data Sheet profile in relation to such equipment. As a plus, this warranty will remain in effect for use in extended drain maintenance programmes endorsed by equipment manufacturers. You must perform regular oil analyses to forecast optimum oil-drain intervals and to monitor equipment operations.
Products include: Delo Syn-AMT XV, Delo Syn-MTF XZ, Delo Syn-AMT XDT,Delo Syn-Gear HD, Delo Syn-Gear XS, Delo Gear TDL, Delo Gear CGA,Delo Syn-TDL, Delo Syn ATF HD and Delo TorqForce.

Greased Bearings and Fifth Wheels – Warranty includes all European and non-European manufactured heavy duty automotive components lubricated and protected by greases under manufacturers’ guidelines.
Products include: Delo Starplex EP 2, Delo Grease MM EP 2, Hytex EP 2 LF, Molytex EP 2, Multifak 264 EP 00/000 and Texclad 2.
Coolant/Antifreeze Systems – Warranty includes all European and non-European manufactured heavy duty automotive coolant systems maintained and operated in accordance with the original equipment manufacturers’ recommendations.
Products include: Delo XLC Antifreeze/Coolants.
Chevron will, at its option, replace at no charge or refund the purchase price of any Texaco or Delo products not conforming to this warranty. Additionally, Chevron will pay to repair damage (parts and labour only) to your covered equipment that is directly caused by a failure of Chevron’s Texaco or Delo product when the equipment is used under normal operating conditions and maintained according to manufacturers’ recommendations (including lubricant selection). Such warranty will not extend to components not included in the descriptions of covered equipment listed above or to equipment damaged as the result of a condition that is unrelated to the use of the product, or is the result of normal and expected equipment wear or where the use of other products may have affected the performance of the product (including after-market additive treatments).
To make a claim under this warranty, present records showing that the equipment was serviced at the intervals recommended by the equipment manufacturer. You’ll also be required to submit a lubricantor coolant sample from the failed equipment as well as provide the opportunity for Chevron or its agent to inspect the equipment operating records and test the equipment and failed parts.
In this warranty, the term “Chevron” shall mean “Chevron Products UK Limited”. As indicated, this warranty covers only damage to your equipment (parts and labour only). Except as otherwise expressed inthis Delo Warranty Plus Europe, Chevron neither gives nor makes any other warranties, either express or implied, in fact or by law, as to the description of the products, its quality, merchant ability or fitness for any particular purpose, or any other matter. To the extent permittedby applicable laws, Chevron shall also not be responsible or liable to you or to any other person for any special, consequential, incidentalor indirect losses or damages arising from the use of the products. This warranty is governed by the laws of England and Wales and is dated 01/10/19.
Should you experience equipment failure, Chevron’s technical support team will work with you to help determine the cause of the problem. If it’s not the fault of Chevron’s product, we’ll provide you with the results of our analysis to assist you in determining the root cause of the failure.